Medicare A&B Online as of 1:55pm CT

[01/13/2014 @ 1:55pm CT]  Medicare A&B is online as of 1:55pm CT.

[01/13/2014 @ 1:15pm CT]  Medicare A&B is offline again!  We have included the latest update from CMS below.

The Medicare 270/271 Eligibility system is currently returning responses
with higher than normal average response times. Some requests are receiving a
proper 271 response from Medicare, but the average response time for these
requests is higher than normal. The majority of requests are receiving AAA03=42
”System Unavailable” time out responses from the system. This issue has been
escalated to CMS IT for review and resolution. CMS will perform emergency
maintenance on the HETS 270/271 Eligibility system and anticipates that service
will be restored by 3:00 PM ET

[01/13/2014 @ 11:15am CT]  Medicare A&B is online!

[01/13/2014 @ 10:55am CT]  Medicare A&B is currently offline.  CMS did not give us an estimated fix time.  We have included the original outage message from CMS below.

Payer is currently unavailable. No ETA. As of 01/13/2014 11:54 AM: Please note that the Medicare 270/271 Eligibility system is currently returning responses with higher than
normal average response times. Some requests are receiving a proper 271
response from Medicare, but the average response time for these requests is
higher than normal. The majority of requests are receiving AAA03=42 ”System
Unavailable” time out responses from the system. This issue has been escalated
to CMS IT for review and resolution.

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