CMS Changes to Common Working File ELGA, ELGH, HIQA, HIQH, and HUQA Part A Provider Queries – 02.12.14 Update

[02.12.14]  Medicare release the following statement regarding the status of the changes to Common Working File ELGA, ELGH, HIQA, HIQH, and HUQA Part A Provider Queries

CMS intends to terminate access to the other CWF eligibility queries implemented in the Fiscal Intermediary Standard System (FISS) Direct Data Entry (DDE), often referred to the HIQA, HIQH, ELGA and ELGH screens and HUQA.  Change Request 8248 creates the ability for CMS to terminate these queries. While termination was originally scheduled for April 2014, CMS is delaying the date. CMS will provide at least 90 days advanced notice of the new termination date. This will not affect the use of DDE to submit claims or to correct claims and will not impact access to beneficiary eligibility information from Medicare Contractor’s Interactive Voice Response (IVR) units and/or Internet portals. 

You can read more at 

[02.07.14]Recently CMS announced that the remaining CWF eligibility functions would be discontinued on April 7th. Passport processes eligibility transactions through HETS so this discontinuation will not cause any interruption in service.

Please see the recently published CMS article linked below regarding the changes.




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