Passport Processing Issue – 04.01.2014 @ 3:00pm CT Update

[3:00pm CT]  The issue causing slow response times was resolved around 10:40am CT this morning.  However, eligibility responses from payers has been consistently 4-7 seconds slower than usual due to the high volume of inquires.

[11:00am CT]  Response times have improved dramatically in the last fifteen minutes.  We’ll continue to monitor traffic and adjust accordingly to insure timely transaction processing.  Please note that many plans are processing eligibility slower than usual due to first of the month volume.

[10:30am CT]  Customers continue to experience slowness on multiple platforms, but our team is in the process of making changes to our system to alleviate the issue.  However, we do not have an estimated fix time yet.

[10:00am CT]  Customers are experiencing slowness with eCare NEXT and postback transactions.  This slowness can be attributed to first of the month transaction volume.  We will continue to monitor the situation to make certain that we manage the traffic so that customer impact is minimal.  You may view updates at   We apologize for the inconvenience.

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