ECareNext Order Checker Clients – ICD 10 Testing Area

An ICD 10 testing area has now been made available for all eCareNEXT Order Checker customers. This area is available from the same drop down menu where the Medical Necessity Quick Check feature is located. When accessing this ICD 10 testing area, users will temporarily transition from their client specific region over to a generic database. This area will allow users to change the screening date of service to a date post 10/1/2015. Upon entry of an ICD 9 code, the system will attempt to translate that code. If the user enters ICD 9 code V70.0, the system will translate it to the ICD 10 equivalent code of Z00.00. If the ICD 9 code would translate to one of multiple ICD 10 codes, the user would be prompted to make a selection of one ICD 10 code, or potentially a pair of ICD 10 codes. Upon exiting the ICD 10 testing area, the user will be returned to their client specific database.

Clients that utilize our Legacy ASP version of Order Checker can contact Support for a testing credential.

Should you have any questions, please contact Compliance Support at or call the team at 866.854.6796 Option 2.

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