ClaimSource Changes – 01.14.2014 Update

The ClaimSource changes deployed on 1/14/2014 are listed below.

Bug Fixes

History Tab: History Note should stand out more & the word “Follow-up” fixed

History Tab: Subtab closes when user does not enter all required fields

History Tab: Selecting the Status of “No Action Required” it’s being displayed as “NoAction” when saving

1500 – User has the ability to modify the Billable Flag when only having a Primary Insurance

Printing: After printing a PDF user cannot modify the form again without a page refresh

Remits Payer Groups: Not displayed within the Remit Header

UB04 Form – After printing the form, form becomes read-only

Setup Printing: Exception message when attempting to sort on specific job columns

Search Filter Permissions – Alert State & Special Options can produce incorrect results

2360 Form will now be printed based on Patient State Rather than Billing Provider State

UB04: Modified Revenue Code Description gets updated back to original value when using lookup

The EPSDTReferralGiven Field Is Not Being Set on Import

Show Deleted Claims Option Restored

UB04 – Manually adding Attending Provider Information, adds an Operating Physician on claim

Medicare 1st Level Appeal Form – Field #10 has a smaller font size when adding two lines of information

Worklist Columns are not lining up correctly

Manage Payers: Unable to delete payers

Permissions – Permissions do not work for Billing NPI and Patient Last Name and Deleted Claims

Unable to successfully generate certain reports using Firefox or IE9

Align 1500 PDF With The Subscriber Box

UB04 – Unable to delete any codes using the ‘X’

Product Backlog Items

APL List for IL Medicaid claim edits is now available

Removing items from a claim should have correct DateTimeDeleted

Standard Rule To Validate Condition Codes

Prevent users from clicking the Web View, PDF or Excel buttons twice on report parameter screens

Standard Rules For AR, MS and TN Medicaid

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