OrderSmart ICD10 – Final Configuration Step – 09.18.2015

OrderSmart now has the ability for users to look up and enter ICD10 codes while placing orders and/or checking for medical necessity. Currently, the system is defaulted to allow both ICD9 and ICD10 code selection, regardless of the date of service. In order for OrderSmart to be ICD10 compliant and function properly, a final configuration is needed to only allow ICD9 codes for dates of services prior to 10/1/15 and ICD10 codes for dates of service of  10/1/15 or later.  This final configuration is scheduled to take place on Friday, September 18th.

If you DO NOT want the final ICD9 ICD10 configuration completed, please inform your Product Manager, Liz McCarrick liz.mccarrick@passporthealth.com or Ryan Howell ryan.howell@passporthealth.com.

Please remember if you choose not to have this configuration completed, the system will not prevent users from entering ICD9 codes for dates of service of 10/1/15  or later. This will impact having the appropriate diagnosis codes based upon DOS and medical necessity screening within the OrderSmart platform.

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